The Edge

A hub for arts and creative activities on campus, The Edge hosts events, exhibitions and theatre and is situated next to the Sports Training Village.

Facilities include the 220-person Edge Theatre, a 90-person Weston Studio theatre with retractable seating, The Andrew Brownsword Gallery, rehearsal and arts studios, an ensemble rehearsal room, and a dance & wellbeing studio

Due to Covid-19, the Edge is currently closed. If you’d like to get in touch, please email the team on They are unable to take phonecalls at this time.


The Edge has steps and a ramp leading to the entrance. The doors are double-width and automatic. There is a lift inside the building.

Find more information about the accessibility of The Edge on DisabledGo.


How to find The Edge:

With your back to the Library, turn left and walk along the Parade past 2 East, 4 East and 6 East. Go down the steps towards Arrivals Square, then use the pedestrian crossing to cross the road. The Edge is the building on the corner; the entrance is on the left side.

Directions with this The Edge in them